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Online Catalogue | Services offered by Simon & Sue |  Astrology Consultations

Astrology Consultations

Online Catalogue | Services offered by Simon & Sue |  Astrology Consultations

Astrology Full (1 hour) Session

Astrology Full (1 hour) Session

Price: £75.00 / $93.75


With Sue Lilly:

General Queries
Health Guidance
Spiritual crisis management

1 hour by Zoom, SKYPE or phone

(Sue holds a Diploma in Creative and Clinical Supervision and is a registered Consultant for the British Astrological and Psychic Society (BAPS))

Times and terms are agreed before starting, please email: info@mcscourses.co.uk

Sessions are conducted by phon,e Messenger, Zoom or Skype

Date, time and place of birth will be needed by Sue for her to draw up your natal astrology chart.

Astrology - Single Issue Assessment

Astrology - Single Issue Assessment

Price: £40.00 / $50.00


Payment for looking at a single, specific issue on an astrological chart - up to 30 minutes chat time or phone response.

(Sue holds a Diploma in Creative and Clinical Supervision and is a registered Consultant for the British Astrological and Psychic Society (BAPS))

Times and terms are agreed before starting, please email: info@mcscourses.co.uk

Sessions are conducted by phone, Zoom or Skype

Date, time and place of birth will be needed by Sue for her to draw up your natal astrology chart.

Online Catalogue | Services offered by Simon & Sue |  Astrology Consultations

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