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Online Catalogue | Jewellery for Healing

Jewellery for Healing

Online Catalogue | Jewellery for Healing

Crystal Bracelets

Bracelets on elastic and Bracelets in silver

Preseli Bluestone Jewellery

Preseli Bluestone set in various ways

Key Rings and Phone Tags

Key rings and phone tags with choices of stone attached.

Jewellery with Crystals and Silver

Small crystal pendants. silver pendants, silver earrings

Karpman Pendants with Silver

High quality crystals set in silver nicknamed the 'Bully Mix' works with the psychological pattern called the Karpman Drama Triangle or Deadly Drama Triangle

Silver Pendants (Plants & Trees)

Unique, hand-made silver jewellery

Silver Shaped Pendants linked to plant and tree spirit energy

Silver Tree Talismans

Online Catalogue | Jewellery for Healing

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