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Dragon Elemental Essences

Online Catalogue | Essences | Dragonsmeet Essences |  Dragon Elemental Essences

Boxed set of Elemental Dragon Essences

Boxed set of Elemental Dragon Essences

Price: £95.00 / $118.75


Boxed set of nine Dragonsmeet essences made from waters of sacred places:

Fire Dragon - Glastonbury Chalice Well
Earth Dragon - Mt Kurama, Japan
Metal Dragon - Mynydd Pefriol, Wales
Water Dragon - Hakone Jinga, Japan
Air/Wood Dragon - St Nechtan's, Cornwall
Healing Dragon - O-Miwa, Japan
Triple Dragon - Tenkgawa, Japan
Golden Dragon - Mynydd Pefriol, Golden Quartz, Wales
Preseli Dragon - Mynydd Preseli, Wales

Fire Dragon Essence - 10mls

Fire Dragon Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


This essence contains the energy of the sacred waters of Glastonbury, found at the foot of Glastonbury Tor.

The energy of this essence comes from one of the most well-known places on the most famous ley line in the world, the St Michael Line. This energy creates an essence linked to the fire of the Sun and to the ancestors who used their knowledge to create sacred spaces within the landscape to nurture and heal.

This essence re-energises and re-focuses our path, anchoring the past, present and future.

Earth Dragon Essence - 10mls

Earth Dragon Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


This essence contains the energy of the Dragon Spring at Kibune, Mt Kurama near Kyoto in Japan. It was on Mt Kurama that Dr Usui received the Reiki symbols, now used worldwide.

This beautiful wooded setting is also renowned as the place where the god Tengu arrived on Earth.

The essence is both uplifting and grounding, nurturing and inspiring. It reminds us that no matter how spiritual we might perceive ourselves to be we must bring that energy into manifestation for the benefit of all.

Metal Dragon Essence - 10mls

Metal Dragon Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


This essence contains the energy of the Mynydd Pefriol in the Heart of Wales, a mountain of quartz and lead.

This essence links to transformation, renewal and a reminder that the resources of the Earth are gifts for us to use in our spiritual growth.

Water Dragon Essence - 10mls

Water Dragon Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


This essence contains the energy of the Dragon Spring at Hakone, near Mt Fugi, in Japan. The temple and spring has a distinct female energy that is widely respected and sought after.

The surrounding ancient trees anchor this sacred site, nestling at the edge of the lake. The energy of the essence is clearing and cleansing, removing dross and heaviness from the spirit. It reminds us that we are part of everthing, nothing is separate or forgotten.

Air/Wood Dragon Essence - 10mls

Air/Wood Dragon Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


This essence contains the energy of the sacred waterfall at St Nechtan's near Tintagel in Cornwall.

This site is energetically active, where the veils between layers of energy are very thin. It lifts the spirit from the wooded valley into the realms of the upper worlds. The essence likewise, helps the soul to soar to experience the flow of energy between all things and to perceive our rightful place in existance.

Healing Dragon Essence - 10mls

Healing Dragon Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


Spring water from the famous Omiwa sacred site in Japan. Surrounded by trees, ancestors and deep links into the earth, the water from this spring brings energy into life, the potential for new starts and the courage to continue

Triple Dragon Essence - 10mls

Triple Dragon Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


Spring water from Tenkgawa, Japan from a sacred site of a three-headed dragon or 3 dragons entwined as one. Linked to artistry, creativity, dance and music and to the enjoyment of the beauty of life that brings everyone of any belief or background together.

Golden Dragon Essence - 10mls

Golden Dragon Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


This essence contains the energy of golden quartz from the Mynydd Pefriol in the Heart of Wales.

This essence links to the receiving of knowledge and wisdom from the Land.
It helps us to be open to all possibilties of communication from the subtle aspects and beings of the Land.

Preseli Dragon Essence - 10mls

Preseli Dragon Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


The water for this essence comes from the spring at the base of Carn Menyn, one of the main sources of the famous Preseli Bluestones, used in the formation of the original and the current Stonehenge monuments. Linked to the ancestors, the passing of time and to deep soul healing, this essence is a breath of healing between the past and present and a glimpse of what is possible.

Online Catalogue | Essences | Dragonsmeet Essences |  Dragon Elemental Essences

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